We have been treating properties against Rising Damp, Fungal Decay and Woodborer infestation throughout Fife for over 35 years. Our vast knowledge and expertise in this field, ensures that you will receive the correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment for any of your building defects.
Dry Rot (Serpula Lacrymans) can remain undetected in buildings, causing extensive damage which can prove very costly to repair. The onset of decay is invariably linked to high moisture content, often as a result of external building defects allowing water ingress, an internal plumbing leak or excessive condensation due to poor ventilation. The timber absorbs moisture in these damp conditions and becomes vulnerable to fungal attack. The first step in the eradication process is to eliminate the source of moisture and then remove all the defective timbers, with associated sterilisation of contaminated masonry. We provide the correct advice regarding the treatment of dry and wet rot treatments along with the associated reinstatement works.
Wet Rot decays are generally more localised and also less destructive than Dry Rot. It is however, essential to have correct identification by a qualified surveyor to avoid potential spread or development of the problem and unnecessary expense. Please contact us for further advice if you suspect this type of problem.
There are a number of wood-boring insects that attack timber in properties in the UK, however in Scotland the two most common are the Common Furniture Beetle and Wood Boring Weevil.
All buildings over 30 years old are susceptible to Common Furniture Beetle infestation (Anobium punctatum), which can cause structural damage in buildings if left untreated.
The Wood Weevil is an insect that prefers extreme damp conditions and the infestation is usually contained to decayed timbers. Chemical treatment is therefore not always necessary, as removal of the dampness and decayed timber eliminates the problem.
We have over 35 years experience in the treatment of these insects. We can identify whether the infestation is active or inactive, whether the infestation has caused any structural damage and whether treatments are required. Following our detailed inspection, we shall specify the most cost effective treatment for your particular property.
Penetrating damp is generally caused by a lack of maintenance, such as roof defects, blocked gutters, downpipes. The first sign of a problem in this respect, is generally staining to the external masonry or a damp stain to the internal walls, although penetrating can affect a wall for a considerable period before any staining or discoloration is visible internally. This is a particular problem in solid stone walls with a cavity between the stonework and internal lath/plaster wall linings. Often by the time the dampness appears on the internal wall surface, more serious damage has occurred to timbers built into the wall thickness. Maintenance of any property is paramount and we can advise you in this respect and carry out any remedial works where the building fabric has been affected by penetrating dampness.
Whilst all new buildings are constructed with the benefit of a physical damp proof course, in older buildings where these barriers do not exist or become damaged, the walls can become affected by damp rising from the ground into the base of the walls.
Rising Damp is unsightly and potentially unhealthy, often leading to timber decay in older properties, where the unprotected timbers come into contact with the damp masonry. This problem is frequently misdiagnosed and it therefore essential that the specialist surveyor has the knowledge and experience to clearly identify the different causes of dampness.
We always recommend the most cost-effective treatment specification, providing you with both the correct diagnosis and long-term solution to the damp problem.
Damp conditions at the base of walls may be greatly increased by condensation. This occurs when warm moisture-laden air cools to 'due point' (the temperature at which moisture condenses) against a cold surface. Intermittent occupancy with intermittent heating provides the conditions for condensation of further water on these cold damp surfaces, particularly in ground floor bedrooms. These phenomena can be a common cause of damp in the base of walls rather than 'rising damp' alone. Once again it is important to obtain accurate advice and proposals to remedy this common problem. We can help you solve these problems.
We also carry out water-proofing to basement areas and other earth-retaining walls. You may simply wish to prevent lateral dampness to an affected wall section, or make a damp basement storage room into a more useable space. We can advise you as to the most appropriate solution to your basement damp issues.
We provide Insurance-backed Guarantees on all of our Damp proofing and Timber treatments. Please contact us if you wish to discuss any aspect of our specialist treatments or wish to arrange an inspection, by emailing gw@grantwhiteprojects.co.uk
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